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CNS News - "Activist Wonders, Why Limit Suicide Option To The Terminally-Ill?"

  Link Details for: CNS News - "Activist Wonders, Why Limit Suicide Option To The Terminally-Ill?"
Link Title: CNS News - "Activist Wonders, Why Limit Suicide Option To The Terminally-Ill?" Open in a new window
Link URL: http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewForeignBureaus.asp?Page=%5CForeignBureaus%5Carchive%5C200301%5CFOR20030114c.html
Link Details: An article about Nitschke's support of - and other right to die advocates' opposition to - the concept of suicide for healthy, elderly patients.
Category: Top : Society : Issues : End-of-Life : Right_to_Die : People : Nitschke,_Philip
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CNS News - "Activist Wonders, Why Limit Suicide Option To The Terminally-Ill?"